EIKON Cloud Service Solution
"We provide effective solutions
to develop your business significantly through cloud technology"

Cloud Service Solutions
It's pretty annoying if we get email downtime problem, we can not send or receive email in real time so in the end it disturbs our business progress. This is actually common problem that occur in many traditional IT, which still using local server and hosting as their primary network.
However, if anything happen with the hardware, we are putting our data and business at risks. Therefore you can opt for cloud computing solution that offer you a new way of work by leveraging the latest technology, so you can focus more on the business rather than fixing IT.
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable resources such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services, that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Moreover, cloud computing provides an increase in provisioning speed, which enables enterprise to acquire the resources they need faster.
Flexible provisioning creates a new way for enterprises to scale their IT to enable business to expand. Cloud computing also support remote working or collaboration with partners from anywhere real time, using any device to access documents and files online anytime you need.
For instance, you are in the middle of a meeting with clients and you need to make a few changes in the document until you realize that you forgot to bring a laptop. This won’t be a problem if you stored your data in the cloud as you can still accessing files or documents online using mobile devices, such as smartphone or tablet, and start working on it immediately.
Why you should move to Cloud ?

Business-Grade Cloud
Cloud-based software brings you a better technologies that provides easy access to achieve scalable and efficient result, while also protect your data at once.

Increase Productivity
It would be very helpful if you can do your work anywhere, not only tied back in the office desktop. A cloud-based productivity tools allows you work together with your teams in real-time collaboration from multiple devices.

Secure And Reliable Data
Giving protection of your company’s data is urgently required. Not only by maintaining the data virus-free, but you also need to keep it at your sights and alert for maximum control. So whenever you need the data, you can always have it even if it had been deleted.
Our cloud solution expert team will help you improving business performance through the integration of cloud-based business software. There are many cloud platforms that you can apply for your business, but we only provide you best of the best cloud service solutions to significantly improve your productivity.
Choose one of the best cloud service solutions below:
Cloud Infrastructure Solutions
Have you ever experienced a server downtime?
We witnessed many companies that still rely on local server experienced a frustrating server downtime. They lost all of company’s data and report in a few minutes because of hard disk bad sector. They also complained when there were many connection problem with the hosting and they can not access their data immediately.
We understand that big company need a bigger storage to save various data, so we only facilitate the best cloud infrastructure solution for your business.
To prevent such similar problem, EIKON Technology committed to provide cloud hosting to enable enterprises having environment that gives access and ability to construct the optimal set of computing resources for unique needs.

Scalable Cloud Server
Cloud infrastructure allows you to deploy a wide range of computing solutions and configuring servers in a flexible way with incredible speed. You can deploy any workload, any language, on nearly any operating system.

Focus On Apps, Not Hardware
Your IT teams can focus on managing applications, development and deployment, without the need to purchase and manage server hardware, software, storage, security, or networks that is required to deliver the solution.

Backup, Storage, and Recovery
Our cloud hosting solution works well with the infrastructure you already have to enhance existing applications and business continuity strategy, as well as provide storage. In case of a hardware failure or disaster, we provide data and disk recovery from all changes made by the application or by the customer to the customer-owned operating system.

Build Secure and Compliant Solutions
Deploy your applications with the assurance that your data is protected and safe in cloud datacenters through certification for key compliance programs, which will allow you to create solutions meeting regulatory and compliance requirements.
Best Cloud Infrastrusture Solution From Microsoft:
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